Jian Xiang

I’m Jian Xiang, Research Assistant of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

  • My interests lie in Portfolio Management, Major Asset Classes Research, quantitative model and Artificial Intelligence. If any position is available, don’t hesitate to contact with me.
  • Deep Learning, NLP development and Research experience in publishing top paper(CCF A+) like SIGKDD.


Ongoing Research.


  1. 《Killing Two Birds with One Stone: Cross-modal Reinforced Prompting for Graph and Language Tasks》,paper address, code address


M.S. in Information Technology, Rutgers University, New Jersey, United States


  • 2023/08 - Now: Research Assistant – Financial Technology Thrust, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
    • 多因子模型,FOF选基(美股ETF, 债基)


    • Research on 《Killing Two Birds with One Stone: Cross-modal Reinforced Prompting for Graph and Language Tasks》,paper address, code address

      关键词:大模型 LLM,强化学习,知识图谱,指令微调(instruction tuning),提示微调(prompt tuning)

  • 2023/04 - 2023/07: Natural Language Processing(NLP) Algorithm Engineer
    • Multimodal Clustering Algorithm design on Fintech Area for investment Banking.
  • 2021/03 - 2023/03: Technology Manager – Peking University
    • NLP algorithm design for Open License Compliance Automatic Detection tool.
  • 2020/03 - 2021/02: Software Engineer
    • Recommendation Algorithm design for Ecommerce Website.

Service and leadership

Western Returned Scholars Association


question-answer system with Financial LLM project for Dongguan Securities Co., Ltd.
